3 minute read

1. An Introudction to Discrete Probability

2. Probibility Theory

  • Experiment : a procedure that yields one of a given set of possible outcomes
  • Sample space (of the experiment) : the set of possible outcomes
  • Event : a subset of the sample space
  • Event space : the power set of the sample space

2.4 Conditional Probability

2.7 Random Variables

[Definition 6]
A random variable is a function from the sample space of an experiment to the set of real numbers.

2.8 The Birthday Problem

2.9 Monte Carlo Algorithms

  • Deterministic algorithm : always proceeds in the same way whenever given the same input
  • Probabilistic algorithm : algorithms that make random choices at one or more steps

Monte Carlo algorithms always produce answers to problems, but a small probility remains that rhere answers may be incorrect. However, the probability that the answer is incorrect decreases rapidly when the algorithm carries out sufficient computation.

3. Bayes’ Theorem

Suppose that $E$ and $F$ are events from sample space $s$ such that $p(E) \neq 0$ and $p(F) \neq 0$. Then
$Pr [F | E] = \dfrac{Pr[E | F] \cdot Pr[F]}{Pr[E]} = \dfrac{Pr[E | F] \cdot Pr[F]}{Pr[E | F] \cdot Pr[F] + Pr[E | \bar{F}] \cdot Pr[\bar{F}]}$

4. Expected Value and Variance

4.1 Introduction

The expected value of a random variable is the sum over all elements in a sample space of the product of the probibility of the element the value of the random variable at this element. Conseuqently, the expected value is a wighted average of the values of a random variable

Another useful measure of a random variable is its variane, which tell us how spread out the values of this random variable are.

[Definition 1]
The expected value (or expectation) of the random variable $X(s)$ on the sample space $S$ is equal to $E(X) = \sum_{s \in S}p(s)X(s)$. \

The deviation of $X$ at $s \in S$ is $X(s)-E(s)$, the difference between the value of $X$ and the mean of $X$.

[Theorem 2]
The expected numnber of successes when $n$ Bernoulli trials are performed, where $p$ is the probibility of success on each trial, is $np$.

Linearity of Expectations

[Theorem 3]
If $X_i, i = 1, 2, \dots, n$ with $n$ a positive integer, are random variable on $S$, if a and b are real numbers, then
(i) E(X_1 + X_2 + \dots + X_n)
(ii) E(aX + b) = aE(X) + b.

4.5 The Geometric Distribution

The random variable $X$ that equals the number of flips expected before a coin comes up tails is an example of a random variable with a geometric distribution.

[Definition 2]
A random variable $X$ has a geometric distribution with parameter $p$ if $p(X=k) = (1-p)^{k-1}p$ for $k = 1, 2, 3, \dots$, where $p$ is a real number with $0 \leq p \leq 1$.

4.6 Independent Random Variables

Independent events, and now independent of two random variables

[Definition 3]
The random variable $X$ and $Y$ on a sample $S$ are independent if

$p(X=r_1 \;\text{and}\; Y=r_2) = p(X=r_1) \cdot p(Y=r_2)$.

4.7 Variance

[Definition 4]
Let $X$ be a random variable on a sample space $S$. The variance of $X$, denoted by

$V(X)$, is $V(X) = \sum_{s \in S}(X(s)-E(X))^2p(s)$.

That is, $V(X)$ is the weighted average of the square of the deviation of $X$. The standard deviation of $X$, denoted $\sigma(X)$, is defined to be $\sqrt{V(X)}$.

[Theorem 6]
If $X$ is a random variable on a sample space $S$, then $V(X) = E(X^2) - E(X)^2$.

[Corollary 1]
If $X$ is a random variable on a sample space $S$ and $E(X) = \mu$, then $V(X) = E(X-\mu)^2$.

4.8 Chebyshev’s Inequality

[Theorem 8]
Let $X$ be a random variable on a sample sapce $S$ with probility function $p$. If $r$ is a positive real number, then

$p(\vert X(s)-E(X) \vert \geq r) \leq V(X)/r^2$


Kenneth H. Rosen - Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications : Chapter 07