2 minute read

1. Relations and Their Properties

1.2 Functions as Relations

1.3 Relations on a Set

[Definition 2]
A relation on a set $A$ is a relation from $A$ to A.

1.4 Properties of Relations

[Defintion 3]
A relation $R$ on a set $A$ is caleed reflexive if $(a, a) \in R$ for every element $a \in \mathbb{A}$.

[Definition 4]
A relation $R$ on a set $A$ is called symmetric if $(b, a) \in R$ whenever $(a, b) \in R$, for all $a, b \in A$.

A relation $R$ on a set $A$ such that for all $a, b \in A$, if $(a, b) \in R$ and $(b, a) \in R$, then $a = b$ is called antisymmetric.

[Definition 5]
A relation $R$ on a set $A$ is called transitive if whenever $(a, b) \in \mathbb{R}$ and $(b, c) \in \mathbb{R}$, then $(a, c) \in \mathbb{R}$, for all $a, b, c \in A$.

transisitve는 찾기 어렵다.

reflexive, symmetric, transitive 정의 뭍는 문제 출제될 거 같음 (꼭 기억하라 함)

1.5 Combining Relations

[Defintion 6]

Composition Theorem

[Theorem 1]
Then relation $\mathbb{R}$ on a set $A$ is transitive if and only if $R^n \in R$ for $n = 1, 2, 3 \dots$.

2. n-ary Relations and Their Applications

2.3 Databases and Relations

2.4 Operations on n-ary Relations

2.5 SQL

2.6 Association Rules from Data Mining

3. Representing Relatinos

3.2 Representing Relations Using Matrices

3.3 Representing Relations Using Digraphs

4. Closures of Relations

4.2 Different Types of Closures

기존의 set보다 크거나 같다.

4.3 Paths in Directed Graphs

4.4 Transitive Closures

[Theorem 3]
Let $M_R$ be the zero–one matrix of the relation $R$ on a set with $n$ elements.
Then the zero-one matrix of the transitive closure $R^$ is
} = M_R$

4.5 Warshall’s Algorithm

$n^4$을 $n^3$으로 낮췄다.

5. Equivalence Relations

5.2 Equivalence Relations

[Definition 1]
A relation on a set $A$ is called an equivalence relation if it is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

5.3 Equivalence Classes

[Definition 3]
Let $R$ be an equivalence relation on a set A. The set of all elements that are related to an element $a$ of $A$ is called the equivalence class of $a$. The equivalence class of $a$ with respect subscript $R$ and write $[a]$ for this equivalence class.

$[a]_R = [b (a, b) \in R]$

교안 35page 3by3로 문제 나옴

5.4 Equivalence Classes and Partitions

6. Partial Orderings

[Definition 1]
A relation $R$ on a set $S$ is called a partial ordering or partial order if it is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. A set $S$ together with a partial ordering $R$ is called a partially ordered set or poset, and is denoted by $(S, R)$. Members of $S$ are called elements of the poset.

[Theorem 1] The principle of well-ordered induction
Suppose that $S$ is a well-ordered set. Then $P(x)$ is true for all $x \in S$, if

6.2 Lexicographic Order

sorting method using ordering

6.3 Hasse Diagrams

concept in graph theory

42p : diviablity -> sorting

6.4 Maximal and Minimal Elements

6.5 Lattices

6.6 Topological Sorting

eliminating minimum and maximum and sorting

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