5 minute read


Stein gradient descent method is based on a particle system moving along the gradient flow of the Kullback-Leibler divergence towards the asymptotic state corresponding to the desired distribution.

Mathematically, the method can be formulated as a joint limit of time $t$ and number of particles $N$ going to infinity.

We first observe that the recent work of Lu and Noeln (2019) implies the if $t \approx \log \log N$, then the joint limit can be rigorously justified in the Wasserstein distance.

Not satifisfied with this time scale, we explore what happens for larger times by investigating the stability of the method: if the particles are initially close to the asymptotic state (with distance $\approx 1/N$), how long will they remain close? We prove that this happends in algebraic time scales $t \approx \sqrt{N}$ which is significantly better.

1. Introduction

Original Paper

  • The Stein gradient descent method sample the probibilty distribution $\rho_{\infty} := e^{-V(x)/Z}$ when the normalization constant $Z = \int_{\mathbb{R}^d} e^{-V(x)} dx$ is unknown or difficult to compute.
  • A prominent example is the Bayesian inference used to fit parameters $\theta \in \Theta$ based on the data $D$ and a priori distribution of parameters $\pi (\theta)$: the a posteriori distribution is given by
\[\mathbb{P} (\theta \vert D) =\dfrac{\mathbb{R} (D \vert \theta) \pi (\theta)}{\int_{\Theta} \mathbb{R}(D \vert \theta ') \pi (\theta ') d \theta'}\]
  • Comparing to the well-known stochastic Methropolis-Hastings algorithm and its variants which require hug number of iterations, the Stein algorithm is completely deterministic.

[Point 1] In this method, one starts with a measure $\mu$ and modifies it via the map

\[T_{\epsilon, \phi}(x) = x + \epsilon \phi,\]

where $\epsilon$ is a small parameter and $\phi$ is chosed to minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence.

[Point 2] For two nonnegative measure $\mu, \nu$ the Kullback-Leibler divergence is defined as

\[\text{KL}(\mu \vert\vert \nu) = \int_{\mathbb{R}^d} \log \left( \dfrac{d\mu}{d\nu}(x) \right) \dfrac{d\mu}{d\nu}(x) \; d\nu (x)\]

[Point 3] $\phi$ is chosen as a maximizer of the following optimization problem

\[\max_{\phi \in \mathcal{H}} \left[ -\dfrac{d}{d\epsilon} \text{KL}(T^@_{\epsilon, \phi} \mu \vert\vert \rho_\infty) \vert_{\epsilon = 0}: \vert\vert \phi \vert\vert_{\mathcal{H}} \leq 1 \right]\]

where $\mathcal{H}$ is a sufficiently big Hilbert space.

[Point 4] KL divergence

\[-\dfrac{d}{d\epsilon} \text{KL}(T^@_{\epsilon, \phi} \mu \vert\vert \rho_\infty) \vert_{\epsilon = 0} = \int_{\mathbb{R}^d} (\nabla \log (\rho_\infty) \cdot \phi + \text{div} \phi) d \mu (x)\]

if $\dfrac{d\mu}{d\nu}$ exists, otherwise $+\infty$.

[Point 5] the variation does not depend on the normalization constant $Z$.

[Point 6] If $\mathcal{H}$ is a reproducing Hilbert space with kernel $K(x - y)$, one can obtain an explicit expression for the optimal $\phi$

\[\phi \propto (\nabla \log (\rho_\infty) \mu) * K - \nabla K * \mu\]

where $*$ denotes convolution operator $f * g(x) = \int_{\mathbb{R}^d} f(x - y) g(y) dy$

[Point 7] Let $\mu_0 = \dfrac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N \delta_{x_0^i}$ and $\mu_l = \sum_{i=1}^N \delta_{x_l^i}$ from the l-th step, in the (l + 1)-th step we compute $\mu_{l+1} = \dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \delta_{x_{l+1}^i}$ by

\[x_{i+1}^i = x_l^i + \dfrac{\epsilon}{N}\sum_{j=1}^N \left[ \nabla \log \rho_\infty (x_l^i) K(x_l^i - x_l^j) - \nabla K (x_l^i - x_l^j) \right]\]

This shows that the Stein gradient descent method is simple and attractive for practioners.

Follow-Up Paper

[Point 1] Stein’s method was connected to the ODE system (Q. 이게 왜 ODE?)

\[\partial_t x^i(x) = - \dfrac{1}{N}\sum_{j=1}^N \nabla K(x^i(t) - x^j(t)) - \dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N K (x^i(t) - x^j(t)) \nabla V (x^j(t))\]

[Point 2] If the empirical emasure is $\rho_t^N = \dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \delta_{x_i}(t)$, on finite intervals of time, $\rho_t^N \rightarrow \rho_t$ in the Wasserstein distance $\mathcal{W}_p$ where $\rho_t$ solves the nonlocal PDE

\[\partial_t \rho_t = \text{div} ( \rho_t K * (\nabla \rho_t + \nabla V \rho_t))\]

[Point 3] More rigorously, by Dobrushin-type argument,

\[\mathcal{W_p (\mu_t, \nu_t)} \leq C \exp (C \exp (CT)) \mathcal{W}_p(\mu_0, \nu_0)\]

for all times $t \in [0, T]$ and measure solution $\mu_t, \nu_t$, assuming that $V(x) \approx \vert x \vert ^p$ for large $x$.

Main Results

  • Paper [24] : N이 충분히 클 때 $t \rightarrow \infty$에 대한 수렴성을 보인다.
  • This paper: N과 t가 특정한 관계에 있을 때, 각각이 모두 무한으로 갈 때에 대한 수렴성을 보인다.

Theorem 1.1 (convergence)

Suppose that $K, V$ satisfy Assumption 3.1 and 3.2. Let $\rho_t^N = \dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \delta_{x_i(t)}$ where $x_i(t)$ solve

\[\partial_t x^i(x) = - \dfrac{1}{N}\sum_{j=1}^N \nabla K(x^i(t) - x^j(t)) - \dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N K (x^i(t) - x^j(t)) \nabla V (x^j(t))\]

Let $N(t) = \exp (2C \exp(Ct))$ where $C$ is the constant satisfying $\mathcal{W_p (\mu_t, \nu_t)} \leq C \exp (C \exp (CT)) \mathcal{W}_p(\mu_0, \nu_0)$

Then for all $q \in [1, p)$

\[\mathcal{W}_q(\rho_t^{N(t)}, \rho_\infty) \rightarrow 0 \;\; \text{as} \;\; t \rightarrow \infty\]

Theorem 1.2 (stability estimate)

Suppose that $K ,V$ satisfy Assumptions 3.1 and 3.3. Let $\rho_t$ be a measure solution to $\partial_t \rho_t = \text{div} ( \rho_t K * (\nabla \rho_t + \nabla V \rho_t))$

Then, there exists a constant $C$ depending only on $K$ and $V$ such that for all times $t$ satisfying $1 - C t(t + 1) \vert\vert \rho_0 - \rho_\infty \vert\vert_{\text{BL}_V^*} > 0$ we have

\[\vert\vert \rho_t -\rho_\infty \vert\vert_{\text{BL}_V^*} \leq \dfrac{C(t + 1) \vert\vert \rho_0 - \rho_\infty \vert\vert_{\text{BL}_V^*}}{1 - C(t + 1)t \vert\vert \rho_0 - \rho_\infty \vert\vert_{\text{BL}_V^*}}\]

Theorem 1.3 (weighted estimate on $\rho$)

Suppose that $K, V$ satisfy Assumptions 3.1 and 3.3. Let $\rho$ be a solution to

\[\partial_t \rho = \nabla \rho \cdot K * (\nabla \mu_t + \mu_t \nabla V) + ( \nabla \rho_\infty \mathcal{\rho}) * \nabla K - (\nabla \rho_\infty \mathcal{\rho}) * K \cdot \nabla V - (\rho_\infty \mathcal{\rho}) * \Delta K + (\rho_\infty \mathcal{\rho}) * \nabla K \cdot \nabla V + g(1 + V)\]

with $g$ and $T > 0$ fixed.

Then, there exists a constant $C$ depending only on $V$ and $K$ such that

\[\mathcal{Q}(\rho (t, \cdot)) \leq C \int_t^T \vert\vert g(s, \cdot \vert\vert_{L^\infty(\mathbb{R}^d)} ds e^{C \int_t^T \vert\vert \mu_s \vert\vert_{\text{BL}_V^*}ds})\]

2. Measure Solutions and the Functional Analytic Setting

2.1 Spaces of measures, the Wasserstein distance and the weighted bounded Lipschitz distance

Bounded Lipschitz functions

Bounded Lipschitz functions

\[\text{BL}(\mathbb{R}^d) = \left[ \psi : \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R} : \vert\vert \psi \vert\vert_{L^{\infty} (\mathbb{R}^d)} < \infty, \vert \psi \vert_{Lip} < \infty \right]\]


\[\vert \psi \vert_{\text{Lip}} = \sup_{x \neq y} \dfrac{\vert \psi (x) - \psi (y) \vert}{\vert x - y \vert}.\]

A useful fact is that $\vert \psi \vert_{\text{Lip}} \leq \vert\vert \nabla \psi \vert\vert_{L^{\infty} (\mathbb{R}^d)}$.

In particular, to estimate $\vert\vert \psi \vert\vert_{\text{BL}(\mathbb{R}^d)}$, it is sufficient to compute $\vert\vert \psi \vert\vert_{L^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^d)}$ and $\vert\vert \nabla \psi \vert\vert_{L^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^d)}$.

2.2 Measure solutions to (1.5)

Definition 2.1 (measure solution)

We say that a family of probability measures $\left[ \rho_t \right]_{t \in \left[ 0, T\right]}$ is a measure solution to (1.5) if $t \mapsto \rho_t$ is continusous (with respect to the narrow topology), for all $T > 0$ the growth estimate

\[\sup_{t \in \left[ 0, T\right]} \vert\vert \rho_t \vert\vert_{\text{BL}^*_V} = \sup_{t \in \left[ 0, T\right]} \int_{\mathbb{R}^d} (1 + V(x)) d \rho_t(x) \leq C(T)\]

is satisfied and for all $\phi \in C_c^{\infty} (\left[ 0, \infty\right) \times \mathbb{R}^d)$