[Paper Review] SVGD as Gradient Flow
- deterministic sampling algorithm
- iteratively transport a set of particles to approximate given distributions
- based on gradient-based update that guarantees to optimally decrease the KL divergence within a function space.
This paper
- develops the first theoretical analysis on SVGD
Density Evolution of SVGD Dynamics
- Section 3.1 : the evolutionary process of the empriical measures of the SVGD particles and their large sample limit as $n \rightarrow \infty$
- Section 3.2 : large time limit as $\mathcal{l} \rightarrow \infty$.
- Section 3.3 : the large sample limit of the SVGD dynamics is characterized by a Vlasov process, which monotonically decreases the KL divergence to target distributions with a decreasing rate the equals the square of Stein discrepancy.
- Section 3.4 : geometric intuition that interpret SVGD as a gradient flow of KL divergence under a new Riemannian metric structure induced by Stein operator.
- Section 3.5 : brief discussion on the connection to Langevin dynamics
3.1 Large Sample Asymptotic of SVGD
SVGD는 다음의 Optimal transform을 취급한다.
\[\mathbf{T}_{\mu, p}(x) = x + \epsilon \phi_{\mu, p}^*(x)\]We define its related map
\[\Phi_p : \mu \rightarrow \mathbf{T}_{\mu, p}\mu\]This map fully characterizes the SVGD dynamics in the sense that the empirical measure $\hat{h}_l^n$ can be obtained by recursively applying $\Phi_p$ starting from the initial meausre $\hat{\mu}_0^n$.
\[\mu_{l + 1}^\infty = \Phi_p (\mu_l^\infty), \;\;\; \forall l \in \mathbf{N}\]결론
Assuming $\hat{\mu}_0^n \Rightarrow \hat{\mu}_0^\infty$ by initialization, we may expect that $\hat{\mu}_l^n \Rightarrow \hat{\mu}_l^\infty$ for all the finite iterations $l$ if $\Phi_p$ satisfies certain Lipschitz condition.
Bounded Lipschitz
For two measures $\mu$ and $v$, their bounded Lipschitz (BL) metric
\[\text{BL} (\mu, v) := \sup_f \left[ \mathbf{E}_\mu f - \mathbf{E}_v f \;\;\; \text{s.t.} \;\;\; \vert \vert f \vert \vert_{\text{BL}} \leq 1 \right]\]where
- $\vert \vert f \vert \vert_{\text{BL}} = \max \left[ \vert \vert f \vert \vert_\infty, \vert\vert f \vert\vert_{\text{Lip}} \right]$
- $\vert \vert f \vert \vert_\infty = \sup_x \vert f(x) \vert$
- $\vert\vert f \vert\vert_{\text{Lip}} = \sup_{x \neq y} \dfrac{\vert f(x) - f(y) \vert}{\vert\vert x - y \vert\vert_2}$
For a vector-valued bounded Lipschitz function $\mathbb{f} = \left[ f_1, f_2, \dots, f_d \right]^T$, we define its norm by
\[\vert\vert \mathbb{f} \vert\vert_{\text{BL}}^2 = \sum_{i=1}^d \vert\vert f_i \vert\vert_{\text{BL}}^2.\]It is known that the BL metric metricizes weak convergence, that is, $\text{BL} (\mu_n, v) \rightarrow 0$ if and only if $\mu_n \Rightarrow v$.
Lemma 3.1.1
Assuming $\mathbb{g} (x, y) := \mathcal{S}p^x \otimes k(x, y)$ is bounded Lipschitiz jointly on $(x, y)$ with norm $\vert\vert \mathbf{g} \vert\vert{\text{BL}} < \infty$, then for any two probability measures $\mu$ and $\mu ‘$, we have
\[\text{BL} (\Phi_p (\mu), \Phi_p (\mu')) \leq (1 + 2\epsilon \vert\vert \mathbf{g} \vert\vert_{\text{BL}}) \text{BL} (\mu, \mu')\]Theorem 3.2
Let $\hat{\mu}l^n$ be the empirical measure of $[x_l^i]{i=1}^n$ be the empirical measure of $[x_l^i]_{i=1}^n$ at the $l$-th iteration of SVGD. Assuming
\[\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \text{BL} (\hat{\mu}_0^n, \mu_0^\infty) \rightarrow 0,\]then for $\mu_l^\infty$ at any finite iteration $l$,
\[\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \text{BL} (\hat{\mu}_l^n, \mu_l^\infty) \rightarrow 0,\]3.2 Large Time Asymptotic of SVGD
We show that update $\mu_{l + 1}^\infty = \Phi_p (\mu_l^\infty), \;\;\; \forall l \in \mathbf{N}$ monotonically decreases the KL divergence between $\mu_l^\infty$ and $v_p$ and allows us to establish the convergence $\mu_l^\infty \Rightarrow v_p$.
Theorem 3.3.
Assuming p is a density that satisfies Stein’s identity for $\forall \phi \in \mathcal{H}$, then the measure $v_p$ of p is a fixed point of map $\Phi_p$.
Assuming $R = \sup_x [\dfrac{1}{2} \vert\vert \nabla \log p \vert\vert_{\text{Lip}} k(x, x) + 2 \nabla_{x x’} k(x, x)] < \infty$, where $\nabla_{x x’} k(x, x) = \sum_i \partial_{x_i} \partial_{x_i’} k(x, x’) \vert_{x = x’}$, and the step size $\epsilon_l$ at the $l$-th iteration is no larger that $\epsilon_l^* := (2\sup_x \rho(\nabla \phi_{\mu_l, p}^* + \nabla {\phi_{\mu_l, p}^*}^T))^{-1}$, where $\rho (A)$ denotes the spectrum norm of a matrix $A$.
If $\text{KL} (\mu_0^\infty) \vert\vert v_p < \infty$ by initialization, then
\[\dfrac{1}{\epsilon_l} [ \text{KL} (\mu_{l+1}^\infty \vert\vert v_p) - \text{KL} (\mu_{l}^\infty \vert\vert v_p)] \leq - (1 - \epsilon_l R) \mathbb{D} (\mu_l^\infty \vert\vert v_p)^2 < 0\]the population SVGD dynamics always decrease the KL divergence when using sufficiently small step sizes, with a decreasing rate upper bounded by the squared Stein discrepancy.
3. Continuous Time Limit and Viasov Process
We can explain … as deterministic PDE of Fokker-Planck equation that characterizes the movement of particles under deterministic forces, but it is nonlinear.
\[\dfrac{\partial}{\partial t}q_t(x) = -\nabla \cdot (\phi_{q_t, p}^*(x) q_t(x)).\]4. Gradient Flow, Optimal Transport, Geometry
5. Comparison with Langevin Dynamics
The theoy of SVGD is parellal to that Langevin dynamics in many perspectives, with importance differnences.
Langevin dynamcis
\[x_{l+1} \leftarrow x_l + \epsilon \nabla \log p(x_l) + 2 \sqrt{\epsilon} \xi_l, \;\;\; \xi_l \sim \mathcal{N} (0, 1)\]where a single particle $x_l$ moves along the gradient direction.
Standard results show that the density $q_t$ of random variable $x_t$ is governed by a linear Fokker-Planck equation, following which the KL divergence to p decreases with a rate that equals Fisher divergence:
\[\dfrac{\partial q_t}{\partial t} = - \nabla \cdot (q_t \nabla \log p) + \Delta q_t, \;\;\; \dfrac{d}{dt} \text{KL} (q_t \vert \vert p) = -\mathbf{F}(q_t, p),\]where $\mathbf{F}(q, p) = \vert \vert \nabla \log (q / p) \vert \vert_{L_q^2}^2$
- deterministic vs. stochastic
- Ito stochastic differential equation vs Fokker-Planck euqation
- 2-Wasserstein에서 KL funcional gradient flow로 해석 가능
- SVGD와 Langevin 동역학 간의 연결 고리는 두 방법을 통합하거나 그 장점을 결합하는 이론 및 알고리즘 개발로 이어질 수 있다.
Conclusion and Open Questions
We developed a theoretical framework for analyzing the asymptotic properties of Stein variational gradient descent.
Open Problem
- to establish explicit convergence rate of SVGD, for which the existing theoretical literature on Langevin dynamics and interacting particles systems may provide insights.
- to develop finite sample bounds for SVGD that can take the fact that it reduces to MAP optimization when n = 1 into account
- to understand the bias and variance of SVGD particles, or combine it with traditional Monte Carlo whose bias-variance analysis is clearer